Aslyum Petition

People can gain asylum or refugee status in the United States if they have a well-founded fear of persecution from the government, or a group the government is unable or unwilling to control. The applicant must show that he/she will suffer some harm or punishment for possessing a belief or characteristic the persecutor seeks to overcome. The persecution must be on account of one of the following five grounds: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. If you fear for your life because of your religion, race, nationality, or political opinion and cannot return to your home country, then you may be able to apply for asylum. Monteiro & Fishman LLP will help you understand if you qualify for any of the following: (i) Asylum – for those who have fled their home countries out of fear of persecution; (ii) Refugee Status – for those looking to receive protection from persecution occurring in their home countries before entering the United States. If you are granted asylum, you may also petition to bring your family into the United States; (iii) Withholding – for those looking to stop a removal proceeding based on refugee status or who fear that returning to their country may result in their death or being subjected to torture; and (iv) Convention Against Torture  – for those fearing a return to their country will result in imminent danger such as torture, death, or persecution.